The first month of working together is reserved for developing the business development strategy for the next 12 months. After a thorough induction with key stakeholders in the business, we take a download of all assets (including ambitions, people, strengths, competitors, upcoming live work and pipeline) and using our industry knowledge and experience, we then form a bespoke plan ready to take to your agency to market - recycling and re-purposing collateral wherever possible.
This linear plan details the agency proposition, messaging, data sets, markets to target, supporting events and campaign plans, for example. For every outreach touchpoint there are proof points and reasonings behind why we have chosen that activity, at that time and to those people.
This strategic plan is vital to ensure that business development activity is driven, focused and organised.
In this way, we can assess the success of each campaign and make changes quickly, if necessary. It also manages expectations on both sides on what activity should be completed in given timeframes and gives clear benchmarks for success.
For example, we track pharmaceutical drugs in development and that are going into final stages of approval so we know when they will be exhibiting at the next congress. We also map out entire countries by industries and by city so we know where to organise BD trips, identify new product launches and have alerts set for mergers and acquisitions of global organisations with timings predicted out for possible changes.